Yes! PG in USA is a choice of many doctors and MBBS aspirants across glob. It is one the top choice for PG in entire world. PG in the USA has worldwide value. You can easily start your career in any country across the world. It is one of the most challenging exams in the world, but the returns of this exam are very good. The students usually take the online USMLE-Step-1 or IFOM-1 Coaching from the 3rd year of their MBBS and prepare for if in the 3rd year itself, appear for USMLE-1 or for testing IFOM-1 then USMLE -1, at the end of their MBBS and progress for their PG in the USA!
Everyone’s wants PG in USA degree but the roadmap towards it, is as difficult as it is. You need proper guidance, time orientation, right knowledge and perfect mentor to guide you.
There are three major steps for USMLE exam In PG roadmap.

Important highlights about USA PG program –
Total working doctors – 552310
Years of program – 3 to 4 years as per specialization
Numbers of hospitals in USA – 6090
Advantage of PG in USA –
● You earn 5000$ to 6000$ at the time of residency in the USA.
● More than US $150000 is the average salary of a doctor in the USA.
● NORI certification.
● PG in USA is valid worldwide. You can start your career directly in any country if you have PG USA degree.
● Good ratio of acceptance towards international students.
For getting a more information and study you can follow the official government website for USMLE updates, which is – www.usmle.orgFor getting a more information and study you can follow the official government website for USMLE updates, which is – www.usmle.org
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